Dear Friend, We need your help to flood the governor's office with messages of support for AB 2360, The California Mothers and Children’s Mental Health Support Act of 2020! This bill uses an evidence-based and cost-effective model to address growing mental health needs and further shortages of behavioral health providers: PCP provider to Behavioral Health Specialist consultation. The time is now to provide PCPs/Obstetricians and Mothers and Children the support they need (and that insurers have been receiving premiums to provide all along!). This bill is supported by over 70 organizations including The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists, Children’s Trust and more) and only opposed by insurers who don’t like any mandates and don’t wish to invest in a little start-up costs to do the right thing. It’s time to pass this law. The governor is set to begin vetoing or signing bills into law very soon. Send a quick email of support to the governor now. Use this link https://www.gov.ca.gov/ then click "Contact." Select our bill, AB 2360, from the drop-down menu (as shown in the photo) | |
Add your message: Governor Newsom, California must implement this novel solution addressing CA's growing mental health (MH) crisis and growing MH provider shortages -by giving PCPs who treat moms and children access to specialists like child psychiatrists. AB 2360 empowers PCPs through a telephone consultation line, a “lifeline” offered through insurers, to treat basic depression and anxiety disorders, freeing up specialists to see patients with the most complex disorders. This bill makes sense for all of us. [Optional -Add you personal why or story, something like: As a California mom who suffered greatly in the perinatal period with anxiety and depression I respectfully ask you to sign AB 2360 into law. AB 2360 empowers PCPs through a telephone consultation line, a “lifeline” offered through insurers, to treat basic depression and anxiety disorders, freeing up specialists to see patients with the most complex disorders.] Thank you! [Insert your name] Thank you for joining the huge team of individuals and organizations fighting for change for mothers and children’s mental health access. Best regards, Joy Burkhard, MBA Founder and Executive Director, 2020 Mom | |